Blooming Prairie Cancer Group writes $73,000 check to Eagles Cancer Telethon

Chatter at the Blooming Prairie Cancer Group’s kickoff fundraiser breakfast on Sunday morning, Jan. 17, echoed pride about the Group’s presentation of a $73,000 check for cancer research. BP Cancer Group leaders Cheri Krejci and Jennifer Milton presented the huge check to Tom Overlie, news anchor on KTTC Television during a live broadcast of the Fifth District Eagles Cancer Telethon Saturday night. At the time, this check was the largest donation made.
“This is our largest donation in our 15 years of existence,” said Krejci. The Group donated $60,000 last year and also recently donated $15,000 to the Hormel Institute in Austin.
Many pancake fans braved cold, subzero temperatures to attend the BP Cancer Group’s first fundraiser of the year, the pancake breakfast at the Pizza Cellar in Blooming Prairie. “I thought the cold weather might keep people away but it didn’t,” said a happy volunteer Dan Miner.
Many of the volunteer workers at the breakfast and silent auction were wearing attractive t-shirts saying “Fighting for a cure for cancer for 15 years.”
Two of the volunteer workers were putting in their second year of helping out with the breakfast. Cousins Greta Sunde, 12, and Isabelle Sunde, 12, were busy clearing tables, refilling cups and helping in the serving line. “My grandma died of cancer and it feels good to be able to help out,” Greta said.
In addition to receiving freewill offerings, bids on donated auction items, the Cancer Group thanked youngsters who brought in coins to put into a jar designed for kids donations. Prizes were given plus the BP Dairy Queen gave certificates for a free ice cream cone.
“The support we have received is very amazing,” Krejci said. She also said the Group recently received a generous donation from longtime Blooming Prairie residents George and Tillie Ressler.
Cancer donations have allowed the local group to provide more funds for the community fund which provides gas cards and other assistance for those needing cancer treatment. Families young and old have helped with donations, Krejci said. “Cancer touches almost all families,” she added.
Next fundraiser planned by the BP Cancer Group will be ham bingo on Thursday night, March 10.