Sailor Renee Lea is Blooming Prairie’s First Baby of the Year

Sailor Renee Lea, six hours into the new year of 2016, officially joined the family of her parents, Colette and Tony Lea and brother Beckett, 6, of Blooming Prairie.
Sailor thus becomes the First Baby of the Year in Blooming Prairie and will receive a myriad of gifts from local merchants. Rules of the contest state that the baby must be born after 12 a.m., Jan. 1, 2016, and parents must live in Blooming Prairie Independent School District 756.
“We are so happy to have a healthy baby and Beckett wants to hold her all the time,” remarked mom Colette.
Weighing 7 lbs. 13 ozs., Sailor Renee measures 20 inches in length. She has black hair and blue eyes. Sailor was born at 5:57 a.m. at the Austin Medical Center. Colette came to the Medical Center at 8 p.m. the night before New Year’s Day.
Maternal grandparents are Tony and Renee Holmes of Ellendale and paternal grandfather is Randy Lea of Blooming Prairie.
Tony and Colette have owned The Pizza Cellar and The Cue Company in Blooming Prairie for the past nine years.
Prior to leaving the Austin Medical Center on Saturday morning, Jan. 2, the Leas received special gifts. The gifts included a Pack and Play, a toy car and diapers from the Austin Medical Center; a diaper cake from the hospital and a cake and flowers from the Hy-Vee Food Store.
Gifts detailed in the Dec. 29, 2015, Steele County Times include:
• Vandal’s Family Market of Blooming Prairie, coupon for $10 in baby products
• Sportstitch of Blooming Prairie, gift certificate for a free personalized baby blanket
• Holman Insurance of Blooming Prairie, $25 in BP Bucks
• Timberlodge Steakhouse of Owatonna, $10 gift certificate
• Farmers & Merchants State Bank of Blooming Prairie, new account for baby and providing first $25
• Dr. Debora Lien of Blooming Prairie, free dental care kit for newborn toddler
• The Cutting Edge of Blooming Prairie, gift certificate for baby’s first haircut
• The Bakery of Blooming Prairie, baby’s first homemade birthday cake
• Haberman’s Gallery of Owatonna, $25 gift certificate
• Steele County Times, free one-hear subscription
• Dairy Queen of Blooming Prairie, gift certificate for a free ice cream cake
• Kernel Restaurant of Owatonna, $25 gift certificate